
Lifeless Dream

August 2 2007, 5:46 AM

I miss you.  What i wouldn't give to hear your voice. It kills me to say that. These words sting me like something tearing at my throat, tearing at my lungs, that i just cant get out.  It pierces my heart as your words enter my ears, reaching my soul 'never forget'. I;m beginning to. i'm beginning to forget you. The only presence of you is in my dream, though barely a glimspe. I no longer know you, for it's sad to say. But it feels good to admit. you were really a dream weren't you. just a dream that could never come true.

Posted in Poem


kenshinx001: i miss u. every single day single day that i don't see u... 08-02-07 03:19 PM

Eating .. Dreams .. and... Haircut

August 2 2007, 5:26 AM

well i havent written a blog entry in awhile .. so i thought ill right one. it might sound boring  cos i have no clue what im going to write so hmmm. well at the moment im suffering from a stomach ache cos i ate too much for dinner lol. ... stupid  i know. and im not a pig or fat or anything like that i think i should just say. but you know how you are starving before a meal .. then when you eat you cant stop cos you are eating to fast and dont realise you are full so just keep eating lol...

i had this real weird dream the other night which im still trying to make sense of. lol random. but it was weird. it had a road in it, which was my old driveway and people were coming from it that were once a part of my life. then they'de leave back down it. it was a real complicated dream but  i dont think i should go into detail .it also included ex boyfriends? mmm strange. so there you have it. 

im getting a haircut tomorrow yipeeeeee!  its gonna be sweet. im going to get a fringe maybe and lots of layer.. like real short ones.  im excited!! pumpedd


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FOB ... FOB...FOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

July 9 2007, 4:12 AM







They are one of my fav bands!!! im so happy...

Later i will ring my friend and tell her.... cos shes coming tooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This aint a scene ............ its a goddamn arms race


woooot woooot ... its gonna be awesomeeeeeeeeeee


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the tape, the beach and the bubbles

July 8 2007, 4:34 AM

Today was thoroughly interesting i watched a tape....

it brought back a few memories...

im still thinking about it now...

it is from the summer holidays last year...  theres too much to tell so i wont go into detail...

and today i tried to make bubbles from bubblegum haha my little sister tried to teach me i suck haha... but it is actually quite hard. well we all have our little talents don't we...

college tomorrow bleurgh.. an i gotta do sum english work too, almost forgot. i really feel like takeaway tonight... im nopt fat or anything... i just reaaaally feel like it...

haha oh well you get that


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Blahh blah blahhhhhh... Don't give up

July 7 2007, 5:28 AM

I am so bored at the moment.... and frustrated and angry and i dont know why??? grrrrrrrrrr/... Do you find some days you just get up and you think this is gonna be a truly shit day... or you are just angry for no apparent reason.. that is what i felt this morning... and i got enough sleep. so i dont understand. but wateva.  im gonna write a new poem and put it up here.. and its going to be great. i dont know why anyone would find it interesting to read my blog as ya'll dont know me. But for those that do, i hope you find it interesting.. i try lol .  i had this conversation last night with this friend of mine about the weirdest conversation... death, dying..  The truth is im not scared of dying, it useto be something i was terrified of, so scared in fact i didnt like to talk about it. but truth be told everyone hasto die at one stage.  its so terrible if someone comitts suicide because its like they are giving up their life which has been given to them. i understand that sometimes there is no way out.. well it feels like that. but there is always help.  and im getting a major headache so i will just stop there. but after ahwile my friend was like you are too young to even think about dying... and i am .. i have a long way to go....


lkajsfklajskds: write poems? i do too. id love to hear some of... 07-07-07 10:38 PM
lkajsfklajskds: im not scared of dying either..well, maybe just a little. 07-07-07 10:38 PM


  • Female
  • 16 years old


Entries 8
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Page views 2,086
Last update Aug 2, 2007
