Eating .. Dreams .. and... Haircut (go back »)

August 2 2007, 5:26 AM

well i havent written a blog entry in awhile .. so i thought ill right one. it might sound boring  cos i have no clue what im going to write so hmmm. well at the moment im suffering from a stomach ache cos i ate too much for dinner lol. ... stupid  i know. and im not a pig or fat or anything like that i think i should just say. but you know how you are starving before a meal .. then when you eat you cant stop cos you are eating to fast and dont realise you are full so just keep eating lol...

i had this real weird dream the other night which im still trying to make sense of. lol random. but it was weird. it had a road in it, which was my old driveway and people were coming from it that were once a part of my life. then they'de leave back down it. it was a real complicated dream but  i dont think i should go into detail .it also included ex boyfriends? mmm strange. so there you have it. 

im getting a haircut tomorrow yipeeeeee!  its gonna be sweet. im going to get a fringe maybe and lots of layer.. like real short ones.  im excited!! pumpedd


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  • 16 years old


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