
Lifeless Dream

August 2 2007, 5:46 AM

I miss you.  What i wouldn't give to hear your voice. It kills me to say that. These words sting me like something tearing at my throat, tearing at my lungs, that i just cant get out.  It pierces my heart as your words enter my ears, reaching my soul 'never forget'. I;m beginning to. i'm beginning to forget you. The only presence of you is in my dream, though barely a glimspe. I no longer know you, for it's sad to say. But it feels good to admit. you were really a dream weren't you. just a dream that could never come true.

Posted in Poem


kenshinx001: i miss u. every single day single day that i don't see u... 08-02-07 03:19 PM

A Dream of Desire

June 23 2007, 10:56 PM

On a quest for an answer, desperate to find some kind of truth

Facing the one person whom made your head spin,

Made you flourish into a whole new person

It's so dark you can just make out a silhouette,

you know who it is,

he has come for you

Your eyes meet

Your heart is awakened

His eyes burn into yours, ever so gentle

His whole face is illuminated

His hair ever so dark, folding into the darkness surrounding the two of you

A hand reach out to you from the darkness, closing around, holding you tightly

Tears prick in at your eyes, but you dared not let them fall, you won't let it take you

His lips ever so sweet,surrendering to the darkness around you both

A promise of being there for you

Everything begins to fade and blur, 'no' you cry 'come back'

You awake with a jolt , It was only a dream,

A dream of a desire you wish you didn't possess.






Posted in Poem


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  • Female
  • 16 years old


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Last update Aug 2, 2007
